Coconut Cocktail Mug

Coconut Cream Malibu Cocktail

Did you know that you could survive for days living off a coconut tree using ONLY the parts of a tree? Coconut water, coconut milk, the bark of the tree… you name it. So this cocktail is… kiiinda healthy right? With the Coconut Cream Malibu Cocktail, the natural flavours of the coconut generally make this cocktail so natural in taste and totally inartificial. Thanks to Butterfly High (Bandra Kurla Complex)

Leave it to us to make everyone fall in love with your cocktails and wonder how you did it. If you’re a fan of coconuts, we guarantee this cocktail will make you loco for coconuts.

This cocktail is literally coconut-water that can give you a kick. What’s better than that? Natural, sweet and coconutty goodness in a cocktail. I know i’ve lived my life when I tried this.


  1. Malibu (2 shots)
  2. Triple Sec (1 tbsp depending on how sweet you like your drink)
  3. Coconut Water 50 ml
  4. Coconut Powder (1 tsp)


Add all the ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice and give it a good shake. Add coconut water to your drink depending on how coconutty you want it to taste.

Our suggestion –

Use coconut milk instead of/with coconut powder to make it creamier and tasty. Top off with coconut meat and serve in a coconut shell for an interesting cocktail aesthetic to make it look great in photos!

This summertime drink is perfect for a party with friends, be it a sundowner or an afternoon brunch. Perfect for beach themed parties, and also an excellent destination wedding cocktail hit.

Top off with coconut meat and serve in a coconut shell for an interesting cocktail aesthetic to make it look great in photos! Serve chilled, and don’t forget to share our recipe on facebook. Do give us your valuable feedback. Cheers!


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