Peach Bellini Slush

Peach Bellini Slush

Since the weather isn’t going to cool down anytime soon, this hot and humid climate looks like it’s going to stay for a long time until monsoon. Until then, we’ve got this Peach Bellini Slush for you to enjoy. Fruity, fun, sweet and tangy, this Bellini is all anyone could ever want on a hot day as such. So, Monday blues? Kick em’ away with this chilled ice slush in a flavourful peach drink that will keep you going all day long.

Since Bellini’s are usually champagne based and chilled too, we thought of adding an extra icy twist. By freezing the peaches, this drink gets added thickness and a chilling effect. Like a slush almost. It takes you back to your childhood days but with an adult twist. This recipe is about to change your life for real. The best part is that this Bellini recipe can be replicated with other fruits too! So try experimenting with your favourite fruit and make this interesting Frozen Bellini.

It’s the season for peach and still extremely hot outside. We made some delicious Peach Bellini Slushes to cool down the heat with. I love this Bellini recipe because it’s not too sweet and simply refreshing to drink. Being my favourite fruit, this is something I can have all year round, no matter the weather. This peach Bellini is such a super smooth frozen cocktail that you’ll want to enjoy the entire batch. With your guests, of course! Easy, fun to make and little time to prepare.

Side note – Freeze cut peaches overnight to enjoy the ice/slush effect of this drink.

So, get all the ingredients required and start making this beauty! It’s an all time brunch and party favourite. You can’t go wrong with this Bellini even if you try.


*Makes 1 batch*

  • 1 cup frozen peaches
  • 2 fresh, juicy and ripe peaches – peeled and pitted
  • 1 cup sparkling white wine or Champagne
  • 30 ml vodka
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • juice of 1/2 large Lime/mosambi


Add the peaches (frozen and normal), wine/champagne, vodka, sugar and the lime juice to a blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator before serving so that the drink remains chilled. Drink safe and enjoy! Cheers.


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