India Map Lockdown

India locks down- war against corona virus

Amidst the uncertainty around us, state governments are observing lock downs pan India. India is the second-largest populated country in the world. Controlling measures to survive corona virus need to be taken seriously by every citizen. The whole country is under curfew till April 15. Many citizens might be questioning why such stringent measures taken. The answer is straightforward “For the well being of the human race.” Developing countries like India with limited health care facilities, citizens, along with the government, need to follow religious quarantine practices. The statistics tell us that the inadequate healthcare system in India cannot bear if the corona virus spreads rampantly across states. Keeping these facts in mind central and state government together came to a rigorous policy to shut down borders, implement sec 144.

India lock down . Stay home . Stay safe.

Main lock downs observed in hustling cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Cochin, and Lucknow along with Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. The central government is urging citizens to abide by the policy and pleading to “stay healthy “stay at home. ” Lock downs are not confined to major cities and are imposed on districts that include Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, and Kerala. The list will only get added as the situation progresses with every passing week. Indian prime minister declares a complete shutdown till April 15 across the country to combat the battle against corona virus.Along with the government, Indian citizens requested to follow the rules imposed by the central government strictly. Let’s all push the isolation button and stay at home to help humanity to survive. Urge the mother nature to turn the course and save humankind.


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