5 Gadget Free Hobbies Profile Pic

5 Gadget Free Hobbies – During lock down

keeping present situation in mind, many of us are home bound and looking for activities to keep ourselves busy. Getting innovative with hobbies and limit entree to technology can revamp your childhood, and install zen like lifestyle…. this is the time to curb negativity and embrace little hobbies you’ve neglected over long time.

Gadget free hobbies

Here are some ideas to pick up an old or just choose a new hobby!

1 . Reading

Reading is a great gadget free hobby, this art form can trans pond you to another world. Smell of a new book, cosying up in one corner with Agartha Christi fiction …can make you forget the uncertainties’ in the world. For all the book readers, this is the time to join book club.

Classical music for reading: 7 perfect pieces for your book ...

2. Food healing (cooking or baking)

For many cooking can be tedious and mundane in daily routine. But now when things got haywire, this routine activity can be your savior in instability. Trying out new cuisines, planning a romantic dinner with your partner or just hosting dinner party at home with your kids. Cooking will help you to reconnect with your loved ones.

Cooking is my best recipe for easing anxiety

3. Paint and sketch” wake up your inner creativity”

This is the time to wake up your inner Picasso, start sketching your imagination. Painting is relaxing, calming and a great stress buster. Take up the modern art to kill your spare time.

Sketching & Acrylic Painting – RAZZMATAZZ Art Lounge

4 . StitchingChange your wardrobe

Learning some very simple stitching techniques. Mix and matching old clothes and transforming them into new ones with simple embellishments can keep you entertained . This hobby can make you forget shopping blues!

Make a Stitching Template for Precision Sewing - Threads

5 . Organizing like Marie Kondo

learning the organization technique is very vital in every aspect of life .Get inspired by Japanese origami and Ikigai. Accept minimalism and just stay calm in this calamity. Re -organize your wardrobe today with Marie Kondo.

Marie Kondo Shows Us How to Organize Kids Toys | Apartment Therapy


One response to “5 Gadget Free Hobbies – During lock down”

  1. Gautham Avatar

    Nice writeup. I am big fan of Marie kondo.

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