
How to tell if someone is lying to you – Expert Method

Many of us, including myself, are very bad at detecting lies. We feel like it doesn’t happen. But the sad truth is, that lying and deception are very, very real and happen all the time. It’s just that, we don’t even know because we don’t know HOW to find out. It’s common human behaviour – so common that 96% of people reported to lying multiple times in their life – so liars are relatively easy to find. You may just be living with one. With these simple steps, understanding behaviour and catching lies just got way easier. How to tell if someone is lying – EXPERT METHOD

Lying can get addictive. It can start from small, white lies like “that shirt don’t look bad on you” to “I got my degree from Harvard University” to “I didn’t kill her”. Lies are dangerous, and if they’re not caught in time – one may even escape with them. It’s not rocket science that people do, in fact, lie from time to time even if it may be a harmless lie.

Experts say – that even though it may get very hard to detect lies – it all comes down to one thing. Your instinct. Your gut feeling. It’s that mistrust inside you that opens up the possibility for doubt!

Here’s how to tell if someone is lying – EXPERT METHOD

Here are some RED FLAGS that someone may be lying to you. It seems hard but human behaviour is one hell of a puzzle to piece! With the right information, even perhaps a murderer can be singled out and questioned about his lies.

Being vague; offering few details

Being vague can mean a lot of things. They’re busy, angry, or just don’t want to tell you. But being vague can be a red flag. If something bothers you – seek out the answers and get to the bottom of the lies and the vagueness!

Repeating questions before answering them

This usually occurs when the person lying has nothing to say and needs time to think of what to answer – without being quiet. Repeating questions gives one more time to think and distract the listener.

Speaking in sentence fragments

When a liar has been confronted, his sentences may break. This is a sign of anxiety and nervousness. Take charge and ask up! They’re scared, and this is almost always 100% the case when someone is indeed lying.

Failing to provide specific details when a story is challenged

When asked about a detailed story of what happened and how the person lying may be unable to tell the whole story – from start to finish. This is because – they may be so overwhelmed and anxious of their lies coming out – they think one little sentence may rip out their entire lie game. Which is true. Lies come out of pressure – but so does anxiety and heartburn!

Grooming behaviours such as playing with hair or pressing fingers to lips

Body language is an excellent tell when it comes to figuring out lies. Why? because it’s not just the mind that’s at stress – it’s the entire body! Look out for jittery movements and grooming behaviours – this can signal a distractive behaviour. Something to get you to focus on something else. It’s no secret that fidgeting means distraction – distraction means a crowded mind; resulting in lies getting caught.

Shrugging, body language and being vague can also mean that someone is lying – vagueness leaves no room for clarity. Overthinking and lack of expression can also be a sign of lies.

After keeping all these things in mind, it’s most important to trust your gut instinct. If you feel like someone is lying – they probably are! Your immediate gut reactions might be more accurate than any conscious lie detection you might attempt.


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