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Worst First Dates

Ever felt like you went on a date and it was just , AWFUL? You’re not alone. Just because you cant share your experience, doesn’t mean you can’t relate to others bad experiences! Bombay Rocks brings to you the first article in a series of – Worst First Dates –

Your bad dating experience cannot surpass these Worst First Dates stories. Carefully curated and brought to you by a concoction of funny First and Worst Date stories; worldwide.

Mommy’s Boy

A first date came to her house as she’d offered to cook dinner, it was all going romantically and wonderfully. For some reason, he kept vanishing to the kitchen every 30 minutes to call his mum and let her know how it was going. – Olivia

The Fat Shamer

“I was meeting a guy on a really hot day, so we went to a large park for our first date. I couldn’t see him in the parking area so called him. He said, ‘See that fat mess walking across the park in a neon top that she shouldn’t be wearing? I’m in the red BMW near her.’ Insulting a stranger—first red flag. Red BMW—second red flag.” —Kelly

The CAT Caller

“I went to a movie I’d wanted to see with a guy I matched with on a dating app. When I greeted him in front of the theatre, he didn’t say ‘hi’ back. He meowed. Like a cat. He wouldn’t make eye contact either. I tried to make conversation as we walked to the right screen, but he just kept meowing and pointedly looking away from me. Upon getting inside, we found seats, and he continued to meow. After the movie, the meowing resumed. Still no eye contact either. Maybe he was trying to be quirky and endearing, but who does that! “Who meows through a first date?” – Leslie

The dad of all bad dates

“I met a guy online who took me to see one of the Saw movies, which I agreed to but wasn’t thrilled with. Then we talked in the car for awhile, where he told me about his 6 kids with 5 different women!” – Kira on First Worst Dates

Worth the Wait?

“I was 45 minutes late to a first date because a kid  got murdered for his bike along the bus route I was on. When I arrived later, I apologised and hoped to have a bit of fun. The journey had been so long and awful. I then spent the night listening to my date talk about this cool project he did for three weeks at work. I can’t even remember it now. Oh and being asked whether I liked Disney and video games. No, I didn’t, I don’t and probably never will.” – Meriam


“First off, he didn’t tell me it was a date. We were supposed to hang out and play Scrabble. He invited his ex-girlfriend to hang out with us, which I later found out was his way of showing her he had moved on! I felt used.” —Dina

Flatulence and… loyalty?

The funniest first date story was actually Brittany’s first date ever. In high school, they planned to go to the football game on Friday night. “I was scared that something terrible was going to happen. Like me farting and not being able to cover up the smell.” She made her best friends promise to come and sit close and take credit for any wayward flatulence. “About halfway through the game, someone DID fart near us, and my best friend—how I love her!—loudly proclaimed “Excuse me, I passed gas.” The fart had not originated from me, and once that boy and I became official, we all laughed about it for years.” –Brittany

This first article from the series is from Her side. We hope we said it well! These original experiences are only to make you laugh; and thank the lords you haven’t been in a situation like this… or have you? Share your Worst First Date stories with us at – [email protected]


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