
Tattoo’s Gone Wrong



Ever been scared of getting a tattoo? Especially a permanent one? So is everyone else! Here are some Tattoo’s gone wrong – so wrong that these people with them sure as hell regret it.

A tattoo is a serious commitment. If it ever goes wrong, though – that’s a serious problem! These tattoo’s gone wrong have been sourced from all over the world for your enjoyment.

So before making a mistake like these people, make sure to find a good tattoo artist so that your tattoo’s go right instead of wrong!

This Bon Jovi Fan.. or should we say Jon Bovi?

I don’t think this poor man knew the spelling and made a hilarious story for tattoo’s gone wrong!

This interesting … haircut?
This Guy's Haircut
This very scary Tiger

Seriously, what was the tattoo artist thinking?

This brand obsessed fellow!
When Fashion Is Life

I think his name should be Louis Tat-On!

This poor girl is in tears after this unfortunate tattoo.
But Why

I don’t think these people understand the kind of commitment it takes to get a tattoo. It’s serious work, people! You need to live with the marks you get made, and such awful ones that too!

Regret, we all experience it at one point, or another and nothing stirs up remorse quite like a bad tattoo! Of course they may want to get it removed, but it ain’t that easy.

Before getting a tattoo, most of us spend a long time picking the design, consulting with the tattoo artist and choosing the perfect spot for our body art. The lesser part of the people get drunk, find a guitar string, some fountain pen ink, and presto – they now have a truly regrettable tattoo!

From bad artists who didn’t quite nail it to bizarre artistic choices, these cautionary tales of the worst tattoos ever are here to blow your mind.

Be safe, take care and have a laugh while you can. These Tattoo’s Gone Wrong are to share some giggles and fun, not to hurt anyone’s feelings.

During this global pandemic, we need to keep our spirits up. Spread the joy and share your funny tattoo experiences with us on [email protected]


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