
Men Spend Lockdown in Pub

You heard that right. 2 men from the United Kingdom got lucky by spending their lockdown in a pub! These UK men spend lockdown in pub – with wine, tequila and beer that they can have as they please.

With the UK being on lockdown since March 23rd, Dom Townsend has been making full use of the pub. He is the assistant manager of The Prince – a pub in London. He lives in an apartment above it with a roommate. The two of them are enjoying the wide space and draught beer!

Tom Downsend (29) and Steve Pond (39) wouldn’t have it any other way. Having to spend lockdown with your roommate can be very challenging, but when you’re living above a pub it goes like a breeze. These UK men spend lockdown in pub – and are loving it!

The Prince Pub - London lockdown

After indulging in some tap beer, the two engage in some golf – INSIDE THE PUB! How cool is that?

London pub lockdown
Some chess, perhaps ?
The Prince Pub - London lockdown chess board

It’s no surprise that the two have ended up as best mates. After spending so much time together, what else could one expect?

“We’ve got a roof, we’ve got a garden, we’ve got all of this space, we’ve got fresh beer on tap, we’re about as lucky as it gets,” he said, adding, “The best is the beer, having loads of different beers.”

– Dom Townsend
The Prince Pub beer

The two admit to the experience being a little off beat sometimes. “The worst is the random noises,” he said, “You realize in a pub, when you’re locked in it, the amount of things that crash, drop, bang in the middle of the night is a little bit weird and creepy.”

lockdown notice

The two admit to being a little bit bored and missing the energy and vibe of a full house. When things get back to normal, I’m sure they’ll miss the hustle-bustle of a fun filled pub!


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