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8Week 30Kg COVID Weightloss



A man named Mike Schultz has shared his drastic 8Week 30Kg COVID Weightloss, and we’re all shocked.

Schultz sadly contracted the coronavirus. He was a healthy 43-year-old with a great love for exercising. He had no underlying medical conditions. Eight weeks later, he’s lost 50 pounds and is now on a long journey of recovery.

Mile Schultz via Facebook

“I wanted to show everyone how badly being sedated for 6 weeks on a ventilator or intubated can be. Amongst other things, covid19 reduced my lung capacity with pneumonia. Over 8 weeks I’ve been away from family and friends Getting stronger everyday and working to increase my lung capacity. I’ll get back to where I was in healthier ways this time….maybe even do cardio ?. #covid19 #caronavirus #recovery #godblessmynurses ” – Mike Schultz via Facebook

Nurse Mike Schultz, 43, who survived COVID shares pic showing how ...
Image via The Sun

Schultz works as a nurse in California. He shared before and after photos on his Instagram and Facebook accounts, showing an alarming transformation in his body during the 57 days he was hospitalized with COVID-19.

Man shares horrifying before and after photos which show impact of ...
Image via Daily Star

After weeks of hospitalization and isolation, Schultz is back and happier than ever with his boyfriend. He mentioned that he still has a long way to go, and ‘Months of recovery” left.

Coronavirus Patient Shares Shocking Before-And-After Photos
Image via BuzzFeed News
Coronavirus Patient Shares Shocking Before-And-After Photos
Image via Buzzfeed News

Schultz speaks to CNN about how he contracted the coronavirus, and how he’s doing now. Watch the video here. He was reportedly on a ventilator for 4 and a half weeks.

Schultz’s 8Week 30Kg COVID Weightloss is really sad to see. But his recovery is impeccable! Good luck to him.


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