The Clark Kent we all know and love may come again on the big screen. Superman Strikes Again? Variety confirms that Henry Cavill may be breaking out his cape to play Superman again. In an upcoming DC Comics movie!
Cavill, in an interview with Men’s Health magazine, gave us a little bit of information. Back in December, he said that he felt like he had “more to offer as Superman”. Note –

“The cape is still in the closet. It’s still mine. I’m not going to sit quietly in the dark as all the stuff is going on. I’ve not given up the role. There’s a lot I have to give for Super man yet, a lot of storytelling to do, a lot of real, true depths to the honesty of the character I want to get into. I want to reflect the comic books. That’s important to me. There’s a lot of justice to be done for Super man. The status is: you’ll see.”
– Henry Cavill for Men’s Health

Henry Cavill first played Clark Kent – the popular hero. We saw Cavil in Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel in 2013. He returned to the role twice. Then 2016’s Batman V/S Superman and Justice League a year later.

After facing criticism and backlash for both his movies, Cavil had a rough few years. Confirmed news is that Cavill appears in a cameo role in one of DC’s planned upcoming releases. These releases currently include The Batman, Suicide Squad and Aquaman 2. So, Superman Strikes Again?

This is great news for Justice League fans. It is a happy week indeed! (Until Nisarga arrives, of course)
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