As we’re nearing the weekend, here’s a mid-week surprise. A little feel-good article to calm those nerves. Feeling low? Understandable. These Inspiring Stories Worldwide will be sure to lift up your mood and make you realise that life is really worth living. Even if, for now, all the ‘living’ you’re doing is at home.
Someone else’s happiness is sure to bring a smile to even the saddest of faces. Happiness is contagious! So sit back, relax and enjoy this weeks feel good article.
This Unbeatable Marathon Runner

Gareth lost his leg to cancer, 3 years ago. He is now suffering from 15 lung tumors. At age 26, he is already terminally ill. But that didn’t stop him. Gareth finished the London Marathon successfully. He fought through his illness and completed it! He may not have won first place in the marathon, but he did in our hearts.
This Inspiring Story About Overcoming Depression

“I struggled for the past 7 years with a depression that put me into a mental institution multiple times. This last year I’ve greatly improved myself physically and mentally, and I just graduated and got my bachelor’s degree. Never thought I’d live to see this point.”
Heartwarming and moving. Amazing!
A Very Special Sports Event

This mother had a wonderful day. Her daughter won at a sports event – but not an ordinary one! Years ago, they thought she wouldn’t make it. Now, every day is a celebration! Especially this one, where she won! “My daughter won a medal at the Special Olympics. There was a time when doctors told us she wouldn’t survive infancy. Very happy weekend!”
Which of the inspiring stories worldwide was your favourite? Mine were all of them! Check out article on beautiful people with unique features.
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