A woman on the inter net claims that she was assaulted by the singer. Justin Bieber Sexual Assault ? What did he say, and what did he think of this? A reputed singer like Justin was furious when he found out that the news was out.

Did he do it? Who is she? What did he say to her? All here in today’s #BombayRocks article.
A woman named Danielle, anonymously posted to twitter; an article that circulated the internet in no time. Danielle wrote, “I’m posting this anonymously because I’m not ready to come forward and reveal myself. If he comes across this, you know who I am. I know you remember me. I hope your life is hell after this and you drown in guilt.” Justin Bieber Sexual Assault. Did it really happen?

Danielle alleged that Bieber sexually assaulted her on March 9, 2014 in a room at a Four Seasons hotel in Austin, Texas following his performance at the South by Southwest music festival.
“Rumors are rumors but sexual abuse is something I don’t take lightly. I wanted to speak out right away but out of respect to so many victims who deal with these issues daily I wanted to make sure I gathered the facts before I made any statement,”
Bieber completely denied the allegations and posted a series of proof on his socials.
He also claimed to be with then girlfriend Selena Gomez at the time. Which he also posted –
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