Family Working From Home

Why you are #GoingToMissLockdown



Never in our wildest dreams did we ever imagine we were #GoingToMissLockdown. Why? Because now, we can’t get out of it, no matter how desperately we wan’t to. But what happens when we get out of it? Didn’t we ask for more time? Didn’t we ask for a reason unknown; to be bored instead of work?

Think, and now, really think. What do you like most about the lockdown? Time with your family, partner or yourself? Now is the perfect time, to work out all your issues you had with anyone – including yourself. Been in a bad place? Call a therapist. Been feeling less creative? Find a new hobby! Need light in your relationship? Argue until you work it out. This time we have, is like a gift. An unfortunate one, but at least we’re privileged enough to stay at home through it. With those we love.

In the many weeks of quarantine worldwide, I’m sure sure a lot of us have realized, that this time is indeed, precious. When will we ever have the luxury of staying in and spending quality time with our family and loved ones? I think this time has been a gift. A gift we forget to cherish. While being in quarantine in these times is absolutely necessary, we do miss the outside life. But the outside life means working – and now, even more after the COVID-19 snafu has ruined the livelihoods of many. We often forget how lucky we are; that our only job during this time is to entertain ourselves. What is a better life than that?

#GoingToMissLockdown is a hashtag, but more importantly a feeling that’s going to be common during post-quarantine. The simplicity of doing nothing; just being. For many individuals like myself, I surely am #GoingToMissLockdown. I can’t remember the last time going to sleep at 3AM and waking up at 2PM was acceptable! It is now, and I am taking full advantage of it.

Right now, we have no worries – except to sit back and worry about the grocery and wine shops being open; and who at home is going to stand in queue. Other than that, how pampered can we be? Now is the time to get over the guilt and overwhelming feeling of doing absolutely nothing. Take each day as it comes, give your loved ones a tight hug and savor these amazing moments together – because sooner or later, you are #GoingToMissLockdown


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