We all love a little bit of drama from time to time, even if it may be at someone else’s expense. These Crazy Celebrity Fan Stories give us just that. From sneaking into Brad Pitt’s home to using witchcraft and voodoo – These crazy fans are unstoppable!

The TikTok song singer Kesha has a bit of a weird taste. Upon receiving a tooth from an adoring fan – Kesha turned it into an earring. She then encouraged her fans to send more of these odd items so she can use them as jewellery.

Miley Cyrus

The teen-pop sensation Miley Cyrus has her own bunch of crazy fans. One of them – Carl McCoid (47) has Miley Cyrus tattoos all over his body; enough for a full group of fans. McCoid has been tattooing himself since the beginning of her career. Miley has heard of him and admits to feeling creeped out by the whole experience. Yikes!

At a concert in Brazil, Beyoncé was getting up close and personal with her fans while oon stage. However, one of them decided to go a step further and pull her down! While a scary experience, apparently Beyoncé let him stay at the concert and met him. The queen really does have a heart of gold. She understood his feelings and gave him to chance to meet her. How sweet! Crazy Celebrity Fan Stories much?

Brad Pitt

The handsome hunk has his fair share of crazy-over-the-top fans. One of them reportedly tried to enter his house and live in it! She made herself comfortable by wearing his clothes, undergarments and shoes – and then perched herself on his bed. The fan was allegedly into witchcraft; as she held onto a foot-long safety pin and a book on witchcraft. Freaky!
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