While Corona Virus has taken a toll on our daily lives – we hardly feel anything to be thankful for these days. These Shocking Photos Before/After Lockdown will show us how much we have to be grateful for, even in these times.

However, if we go to think; before the Corona Virus – weren’t we all certain of the world ending – due to global warming? Amazon forest fires, ice glaciers melting, New Delhi’s air being unbreathable?

Here are some Shocking Photos Before/After Lockdown that have left us absolutely speechless. With little left to say – all we can do is look; and feel grateful as ever for the beauty we have to see. Ironic, isn’t it? While our lives have come to a standstill – Mother Earth is flourishing. ~Balance~ explained without words.
New Delhi

India had the most hazardous air quality levels – but now the air is crisp and clear. Delhi is experiencing the longest spell of clean air on record! The air quality was so bad – people were literally breathing in brown smog. But now – the air is the cleanest it’s ever been
Milan (Before Lockdown) January 2020
Milan (During Lockdown) April 2020
Milan has struggled with smog significantly. However, during the coronavirus – the smog has reduced rapidly and the air is clearer than it ever has been. Pollution preventive measures are going to be taken even after lockdown – to ensure this clear air quality.

China has the highest population rate – but is also known to have a higher pollution rate. Thanks to the coronavirus, China’s pollution rate has dropped by a whopping 25%.
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