A Shocking Influencer Marries Stepson. Shocks Internet. Weird news during coronavirus? The lockdown has probably inspired people to do things they never would. Like this odd couple! Trending on the internet. Marina Balmasheva, 35. Has tied the knot with her stepson.

Marina is from the western region of Krasnodar Krai. She was married to husband Alexey, 45. They were together for 13 years. Before they got divorced. After their marriage ended, she did something strange. She started a relationship with Alexey’s son Vladimir, 20.

What caused the stir? Marina posted an image on her socials. This image was with Vladimir. It caused the internet to blow up! This Image was taken reportedly when Vladimir was 7. At the time, Marina had just married Alexey. After a drastic weight loss and glow up, she was ready for husband number 2.

“You never know how life will turn out and when you will meet a person who makes you smile. I know that some will judge us. Others will support us. But we are happy and wish you to be as well.” Maria recently commented.
She reportedly adopted Alexey’s other 5 children. When they were together. In addition, she is currently living with now-husband/stepson Vladimir. With 400,000 followers – she’s really making it big!

Shocking Influencer Marries Stepson. In addition to that, shocks the Internet. Above all – did it shock you? Maria has received a lot of negativity and backlash for her decision. She is losing followers, but gaining more fame than ever!
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