Screenshot 2024 01 30 At 08.08.10

Geneva Fine Art Shifts Focus from Paint Manufacturing to Wood Products

In a recent announcement, Geneva Fine Art revealed a strategic shift in its business focus, indicating that it will no longer be involved in the manufacturing of paint. Instead, the company plans to concentrate on its wood products, including easels, brush holders, and other related items. This decision follows a period of challenges for the company, which has been in operation for nine years.

The founder, Mark, expressed that the business had faced difficulties in managing various aspects, including inventory, payroll, insurance, and rent. Despite efforts to sustain the business, he acknowledged that he may not be the ideal manager for the company’s current needs. Geneva Fine Art has struggled to maintain paint stock levels, and Mark highlighted the impact of a fire at the shop in 2021, from which the business never fully recovered.

While most of the existing stock has been sold, there remains a significant quantity of paint available in various colors. Mark discussed the potential introduction of new colors, including purples, totaling around 20 shades, which could enhance the company’s product offerings.

Mark expressed interest in finding a suitable individual or investor who may be keen on purchasing the business. He outlined ambitious plans for products that were never fully realized due to operational challenges, including a never-dry pallet box and a studio light designed to evenly illuminate paintings from top to bottom.

Acknowledging the need for capital investment to revitalize the company, Mark invited potential investors or buyers to contact him via email at [email protected]. He expressed openness to discussions and the possibility of a majority share or outright ownership transfer. The company’s future trajectory will depend on finding a committed partner with the necessary resources to drive Geneva Fine Art forward.


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